Lenor Lingenue softener 1.2L
Lenor Lingenue softener 1.2L The Lenore Lingenue collection of fine fabric softeners, created to be as seductive and refined as a fine French perfume, makes your clothes extra fragrant and incredibly soft. Become an innocent dreamer with Lenore Haute Couture...
Lenor Lingenue softener 1.2L
The Lenore Lingenue collection of fine fabric softeners, created to be as seductive and refined as a fine French perfume, makes your clothes extra fragrant and incredibly soft. Become an innocent dreamer with Lenore Haute Couture "L'Ingenue" softener! A search that fills you with happiness and lasting optimism. This perfume combines the scent of a fresh bouquet with the mysterious sensuality of warm sandalwood and fine notes of jasmine. Water flowers enhanced with fruity scents and green notes inspired by nature transport you to an enchanted garden. Fabric softener with long-lasting and intoxicating freshness.
Lenor Lingenue kolekcija finih omekšivača za veš, kreirana da bude zavodljiva i prefinjena poput finog francuskog parfema, čini vašu odeću izuzetno mirišljavom i neverovatno mekom. Postanite nevin sanjar uz omekšivač Lenor Haute Couture „L'Ingenue“! Potraga koja vas ispunjava srećom i trajnim optimizmom. Ovaj parfem objedinjuje miris svežeg buketa sa misterioznom senzualnošću toplog sandalovog drveta i finim notama jasmina. Vodeni cvetovi pojačani voc´nim mirisima i zelenim notama inspirisanim prirodom prenose vas u začaranu baštu. Omekšivač za veš sa dugotrajnom i opojnom svežinom.