Kraš Chocolate Cream Napolitanke 327g
Chocolate Cream Napolitanke An exquisite combination of crispy wafer sheets and a variety of tasty creams offers a rich range of flavours, as a result of a long-lasting experience and tradition in wafer production. Kraš Napolitanke is the most famous...
Chocolate Cream Napolitanke
An exquisite combination of crispy wafer sheets and a variety of tasty creams offers a rich range of flavours, as a result of a long-lasting experience and tradition in wafer production. Kraš Napolitanke is the most famous product of this group, and has become a synonym for an entire category of wafer products over the years. The Napolitanke range is constantly extended with the launch of new flavours and convenient packaging.
Chocolate Cream Napolitanke
Vrhunska kombinacija hrskavih vafl listova i choco kreme daje bogat ukus, kao plod dugogodišnjeg iskustva i tradicije u proizvodnji vafl proizvoda.
Kraševe Napolitanke najpoznatiji su proizvod ove grupe, te su tokom godina postale sinonim za celokupnu kategoriju vafl proizvoda. Sistematski se nadopunjavaju novim ukusima i praktičnim pakovanjima.