Medela Strudels apricot 240g BBD 23/12/2024
Strudels Apricot Soft juicy biscuit filled with apricot jam, 38% is fruit filling. It’s made of dough with fresh eggs and as such is unique in our market. All-natural biscuit without artificial colors and additives. Fruitcake favorite for generations of...
Strudels Apricot
Soft juicy biscuit filled with apricot jam, 38% is fruit filling. It’s made of dough with fresh eggs and as such is unique in our market. All-natural biscuit without artificial colors and additives. Fruitcake favorite for generations of consumers for over 40 years.
The perfect combination of cake and fruit!
Štrudle kajsija
Meki i sočni biskvit punjen marmeladom mešanog voća, 38% čini voćno punjenje. Napravljena je od testa sa svežim jajima i kao takva je jedinstvena na našem tržištu. Potpuno prirodan biskvit bez veštačkih boja i aditiva. Voćni kolač omiljen generacijama potrošača već 40 godina.
SASTOJCI: marmelada (kajsija), pšenično brašno, šećer beli, voda (min. 10%), margarin, sveža jaja, sladni ekstrakt (malteks), surutka u prahu, obrano mleko u prahu, so, sredstva za narastanje testa (E500i, E503ii), emulgator (E322) i aroma.
Alergen info: proizvod sadrži pšenični gluten, proizvode od mleka, sveža jaja i sojin lecitin.