
Zaric Nostalgija quince brandy 40% vol. Alcohol 700ml

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WARNINGUnder the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offense- To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $17,000)- For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor...

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Brandy Liquor -


Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offense
- To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $17,000)
- For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $700)

License No. 36154645


Zaric - Nostalgija quince brandy 40% vol. Alcohol 700ml

Quince brandy, characteristic and distinctive in its aroma and taste. To make "its old age easier", we left it to hang out with an old oak barrel. That fruitful friendship yielded a premium brandy that quickly found its way to consumers, but also to prestigious awards and recognition.

  • Premium domestic quince brandy
  • Aged for at least three years in an oak barrel
  • Clear pale yellow colour
  • Alcohol 40% vol.

Product description:
Re-distilled quince brandy aged in oak barrels for at least three years. The raw material is 100% locally produced quince, without the addition of any enhancers, smells and flavours.

Nostalgia quince brandy
C hilled at basement temperature, it gets on very well with all dishes dominated by red meat, with starters, grilled meat and vegetables, and cooked meat. Chilled in the freezer, it is perfect with cakes and sweets, nuts, almonds, hazelnuts ...
N ostalgia quince brandy – pleases both the soul and the body, evokes the most sincere and deep feelings.

It has the same effect on the female and male population, and you just cannot resist it.

Scent - Rich scent, with a scent of wood, not intensive
Taste – characteristic for premium aged brandies
Aroma – delightful and sophisticated
Bouquet– rich and harmonious


Zaric - Nostalgija rakija od dunje 40% vol. Alcohol 700ml

Rakija od dunje, karakteristična i prepoznatljiva po svom mirisu i ukusu. Kako bi joj „starost lakše pala“, ostavili smo je da se druži sa starim hrastovim buretom. To prijateljstvo je urodilo plodom i iznedrilo vrhunsku rakiju koja je veoma lako našla svoj put do potrošača, ali i do prestižnih nagrada i priznanja.

  • Vrhunska domaća rakija od dunje
  • Odležala najmanje tri godine u hrastovom buretu
  • Providno bledo-žute boje
  • Jačine alk. 40,0% vol.

Opis proizvoda:
Redestilovana rakija od dunje koja odležava u hrastovim buradima najmanje tri godine. Stopostotna sirovina je domaća dunja, bez dodataka ikakvih pojačivača, mirisa i ukusa.

Slaže se, rashlađena na podrumskoj temperaturi, sa svim jelima u kojima dominira crveno meso, mezetluci, grilovano meso i povrće, pohovano meso, a ohlađena u zamrzivaču sa tortama i slatkišima, sa orasima, bademima, lešnicima…
O no što prija i duši i telu, što budi najiskrenija i duboka osećanja je naša rakija od dunja – Nostalgija.

Jednako deluje i na žensku i na mušku populaciju, jednostavno joj ne možeš odoleti.

Miris – bogat, ali ne intenzivan sa primesama mirisa drveta
Ukus – karakterističan za vrhunske odležale rakije
Aroma – veoma prijatna i prefinjena
Buke – skladno zaokružen

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