Kraš Bronhi 200g
Bronhi BREATH RELIEF Bronhi Toffee brand, well-known and popular already for 90 years, is now being extended for the first time with variants having a new, stronger taste. Bronhi Ice, a white-green refreshing toffee flows with its intense aroma through...
Bronhi Toffee brand, well-known and popular already for 90 years, is now being extended for the first time with variants having a new, stronger taste. Bronhi Ice, a white-green refreshing toffee flows with its intense aroma through your airways. A combination of menthol and eucalyptus blended with 15 Mediterranean herbs creates a distinctive taste and a long-lasting feeling of freshness.
We have not forgotten the traditional Bronhi, now re-launched in a new appealing packaging under the name Bronhi Original. The recipe of Bronhi Original has remained unchanged: a unique blend of liquorice, fennel, anise, and other medicinal herbs with natural caramel.
Bronhi Toffees with no artificial flavours or colours, have all the benefits of a functional toffee, and they are especially beneficial for the airways. Now with Bronhi, breathing made even easier!
Bronhi je kroz 90 godina postojanja postao najpoznatiji brand bombona u regiji. Izvorna receptura, po kojoj se i danas proizvodi Bronhi Original karamela, ostala je nepromijenjena: jedinstven spoj ekstrakta sladića (lakrica), anisa i drugih ljekovitih biljaka i prirodni karamel.
Od 2009.g. počelo je širenje branda Bronhi u područje novih, jačih okusa. Bronhi Ice, bijelo - zelena osvježavajuća karamela, svojom intenzivnom aromom prostrujat će Vašim dišnim putevima. Spoj mentol-eukaliptusa oplemenjen mješavinom 15 mediteranskih biljaka stvara poseban okus i dugotrajan osjećaj svježine. Bronhi Hot & Sweet nova je karamela izazovne kombinacije ljutkastog đumbira (ginger) i aromatičnog meda, uz osvježavajuću notu limuna. Đumbir, osim svojih začinskih svojstava, postao je popularan sastojak moderne prehrane, zbog djelovanja na imunitet i pročišćavanje organizma. Bronhi hot & sweet karamele ponesite i na putovanja, jer đumbir uspješno djeluje protiv „bolesti vožnje“.
Bronhi karamele, bez umjetnih aroma i bojila, imaju sve odlike funkcionalnih bombona, a posebno blagotvorno djeluju na dišne puteve.
Zato, uzmite Bronhi - lakše se diše!