Marbo Potato chips classic 140g
Marbo Potato chips classic 140g Made from carefully selected potatoes, it meets the highest quality standards. Its crunchiness, freshness and recognizable taste are what sets it apart from everyone else. Chipsy Classic will always try to be your choice whether...
Marbo Potato chips classic 140g
Made from carefully selected potatoes, it meets the highest quality standards. Its crunchiness, freshness and recognizable taste are what sets it apart from everyone else. Chipsy Classic will always try to be your choice whether you nibble it yourself or share it with someone. With a movie, sports, entertainment or anything else, Chipsy Classic will do its best to brighten your mood and bring a smile to your face.
Marbo Cips classic 140g
Napravljen od pažljivo odabranih krompira, ispunjava najviše standarde kvaliteta. Njegovo hrskanje, svežina i prepoznatljiv ukus su ono što ga odvaja od svih. Chipsy Classic će se uvek potruditi da bude vaš izbor bilo da ga grickate sami ili ga delite sa nekim.
Uz film, sport, zabavu ili bilo šta drugo, Chipsy Classic će se potruditi da vam ulepša ugođaj i izmami osmeh na lice.