Soko Stark Smoki 250g
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The first flips manufactured in South Eastern Europe has become so popular that its name has taken on a whole category of products Rarely that a product becomes so popular that his name become common for the whole category, which...
The first flips manufactured in South Eastern Europe has become so popular that its name has taken on a whole category of products
Rarely that a product becomes so popular that his name become common for the whole category, which is exactly what happened to this brand Smoki.
Produced for the first time in 1972. at the place where the produces today, Smoki is the name by which a whole generation called flips this product.
It's Smoki first flips created in South East Europe, a company Soko Stark has invested a lot of love and imagination to Smoki has retained one of the leading brands in the region.
Smoki is one of the products did not significantly change the visual identity regardless of the age of 40, making this unique product gives a special charm. A little retro look Smoki is truly a brand that is forever stay young.
Prvi flips proizveden u jugoistočnoj Evropi postao je toliko popularan da je njegovo ime poprimila cela kategorija proizvoda.
Retko koji proizvod postane toliko popularan da njegovo ime postane uobičajeno za celu kategoriju, a upravo to se dogodilo brendu Smoki.
Proizveden prvi put 1972. godine na mestu gde se proizvodi i danas, Smoki je ime kojim čitave generacije nazivaju ovaj flips proizvod.
Upravo je Smoki prvi flips stvoren u jugoistočnoj Europi, a firma Soko Štark uložila je puno ljubavi i mašte kako bi Smoki do danas zadržala jednim od vodećih brendova u regiji.
Smoki je i jedan od proizvoda koji nije značajnije menjao vizualni identitet bez obzira na 40 godina starosti, što ovom jedinstvenom proizvodu daje poseban šarm. Pomalo retro izgleda Smoki je uistinu brend koji je zauvek ostao mlad.
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