
Dr.Josif Pancic Calendulae herbal tea blend for immunity (Tea number 98) 100g

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Dr.Josif Pancic Calendulae herbal tea blend for immunity (Tea number 98) 100g Composition:Calendula flower (Calendulae flos)White mistletoe herb (Visci albi herba)Nettle leaf (Urticae folium)St. John's wort (Hyperici herba)Polygonii avicularis herbaSage leaf (Salviae folium)Saturejae montanae herba (Saturejae montanae herba)Equiseti herbaProperties: Medicinal...

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Drinks Teas - Teas

Dr.Josif Pancic Calendulae herbal tea blend for immunity (Tea number 98) 100g

Calendula flower (Calendulae flos)
White mistletoe herb (Visci albi herba)
Nettle leaf (Urticae folium)
St. John's wort (Hyperici herba)
Polygonii avicularis herba
Sage leaf (Salviae folium)
Saturejae montanae herba (Saturejae montanae herba)
Equiseti herba
Properties: Medicinal herbs included in this tea mixture contain flavonoids, biflavonoids, carotenoids, xanthones, calendulin, anthraquinone derivatives hypericin and pseudohypericin, phloroglucin derivatives (hyperforin), saponosides (calenduloside), tannins, mucus, triterpenes, free amines (acetylcholine, betaine, choline, histamine, serotonin). Amino acids (GABA), proteins, polypeptides, phenylpropanes, etheric (rich in thujone, cineol and camphor), organic acids (oxalic, formic, silicic). Derivatives of cinnamic acid, coumarins, polyacetylenes, lectins, lignans and polysaccharides.

The active ingredients of the medicinal plants that make up CALENDULAE COMPOSITUM - herbal tea mixture for immunity show antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects. They have a beneficial effect on stopping bleeding and healing wounds. Certain ingredients show a cytostatic and antitumor effect.

Use: CALENDULAE COMPOSITUM - herbal tea mixture for immunity is recommended for decreased immunity, cysts and benign tumors. As an aid in recovery after long-term, debilitating illnesses and after chemotherapy. It can also be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of viral and retroviral infections.


Cvet nevena (Calendulae flos)
Herba bele imele (Visci albi herba)
List koprive (Urticae folium)
Herba kantariona (Hyperici herba)
Herba troskota (Polygonii avicularis herba)
List žalfije (Salviae folium)
Herba rtanjskog čaja (Saturejae montanae herba)
Herba rastavića (Equiseti herba)
Osobine: Lekovito bilje koje ulazi u sastav ove čajne mešavine sadrži flavonoide, biflavonoide, karotenoide, ksantone, kalendulin, antrahinonske derivate hipericin i pseudohipericin, floroglucinske derivate (hiperforin), saponozide (kalendulozid), tanine, sluzi, triterpene, slobodne amine (acetilholin, betain, holin, histamin, serotonin). Amino kiseline (GABA), proteine, polipeptide, fenilpropane, etarska (bogata tujonom, cineolom i kamforom), organske kiseline (oksalnu, mravlju, silicijumovu). Derivate cimetne kiseline, kumarine, poliacetilene, lektine, lignane i polisaharide.

Aktivni sastojci lekovitog bilja koje ulazi u sastav CALENDULAE COMPOSITUM – mešavine biljnog čaja za imunitet pokazuju antiseptično, antibakterijsko, antiviralno, imunostimulišuće i protivupalno dejstvo. Povoljno deluju na zaustavljanje krvarenja i zaceljenje rana. Pojedini sastojci pokazuju citostatički i antitumorski efekat.

Upotreba: CALENDULAE COMPOSITUM – mešavina biljnog čaja za imunitet preporučuje se kod pada imuniteta, kod cista i benignih tumora. Kao pomoć pri oporavku posle dugotrajnih, iscrpljujućih bolesti i posle hemioterapije. Takođe, može se koristiti kao pomoćno sredstvo za tretman viralnih i retroviralnih infekcija.

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