
Delamaris Mackerel Fillets in Sunflower Oil 125g

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Delamaris - Mackerel Fillets in Sunflower Oil 125g The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings/week of fatty, oily fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon or herring. Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B12 and selenium, mackerel...

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Delamaris - Mackerel Fillets in Sunflower Oil 125g

The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings/week of fatty, oily fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon or herring. Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B12 and selenium, mackerel is one of the heart-healthiest fish one can consume. At Delemaris, our Mackerel Fillets in Sunflower Oil feature the highest quality boneless, skinless mackerel bathed in sunflower oil and touch of salt. From a culinary perspective, nutrient-rich mackerel fillets are incredibly versatile. Serve on crackers with a squeeze of lemon and freshly cut parsley. Blend with cream cheese, sour cream or crème fraiche, capers, chopped shallots and pepper, for a mouthwatering mackerel dip or spread. For an open-faced sandwich or appetizer that could soon become a family favorite, butter (or add mayo to) sliced, dense bread. Mash our Mackerel Fillets with a fork and top with thinly sliced white onion, flat parsley and a squeeze of lemon. Delamaris Mackerel Fillets in Sunflower Oil are also perfect for Mackerel Patties, with mashed potatoes, capers, onions and the herbs and spices of your choosing. For a luxurious brunch version of this meal, top the mackerel patties with poached or fried eggs and serve with a side salad. At Delamaris, we have been bringing the bounty of the sea to consumers since 1879. Our fish products are entirely natural, with no additives or preservatives. Refrigerate after opening. 
Američko udruženje za srce preporučuje najmanje dve porcije nedeljno masne, masne ribe kao što su skuša, sardine, tunjevina, losos ili haringa. Bogata omega 3 masnim kiselinama, proteinima, vitaminom B12 i selenom, skuša je jedna od najzdravijih riba koje se mogu konzumirati. U Delemarisu, naši fileti skuše u suncokretovom ulju sadrže najkvalitetnije skuše bez kostiju i kože okupane suncokretovim uljem i dodirom soli. Iz kulinarske perspektive, fileti skuše bogati hranljivim materijama su neverovatno raznovrsni. Poslužite na krekerima sa limunom i sveže sečenim peršunom. Pomiješajte sa krem sirom, pavlakom ili krem fraiche, kaparima, seckanom ljutikom i biberom, za ukusan umak ili namaz od skuše. Za sendvič ili predjelo sa otvorenim licem koje bi uskoro moglo postati omiljeno u porodici, puter (ili dodajte majonez) narezan na gusti hleb. Zgnječite naše filete skuše viljuškom i na vrh stavite tanko isečen beli luk, peršun i malo limuna. Delamaris fileti skuše u suncokretovom ulju su takođe savršeni za pljeskavice od skuše, sa pire krompirom, kaparima, lukom i biljem i začinima po vašem izboru. Za luksuznu branč verziju ovog obroka, prelijte pljeskavice od skuše poširanim ili prženim jajima i poslužite uz salatu. U Delamarisu potrošačima donosimo blagodati mora od 1879. Naši riblji proizvodi su potpuno prirodni, bez aditiva i konzervansa. Nakon otvaranja ohladiti.

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