Lucar Polenta 750g
Lucar Polenta 750g Polenta contains a substance that reduces bad LDL cholesterol, which is responsible for constricting blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. It is digested slowly, and it does not cause sudden oscillations of blood sugar (reduces the desire...
Lucar Polenta 750g
Polenta contains a substance that reduces bad LDL cholesterol, which is responsible for constricting blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. It is digested slowly, and it does not cause sudden oscillations of blood sugar (reduces the desire for sweets).
It maintains the feeling of satiety for a long time, regulates stool, cleans the stomach and intestines of harmful products, and reduces the risk of colon tumors. Polenta should be consumed by everyone: children, adults, the elderly, athletes.
Instructions for preparation (for 4 servings): put 20g of vegetable fat and a little salt in 0.5 liters of water. Add 200g of polenta to the boiling water and stir gently for another 2 minutes. Polenta can be served with milk, yogurt, fruit juice or as a side dish with various dishes.
Lucar Palenta 750g
Palenta sadrži supstancu koja utiče na smanjenje lošeg LDL holesterola odgovornog za zakrečenje krvnih sudova i porast krvnog pritiska. Polako se vari, te ne izaziva nagle oscilacije šećera u krvi (smanjuje želju za slatkišima).
Dugo održava osećaj sitosti, reguliše stolicu, čisti želudac i creva od štetnih produkata, te smanjuje rizik od nastanka tumora debelog creva. Palentu treba da konzumiraju svi: deca, odrasli, starije osobe, sportisti.
Uputstvo za pripremu (za 4 porcije): u 0,5 litara vode staviti 20g biljne masnoće i malo soli. U ključalu vodu dodati 200g palente i lagano mešati još 2 minuta. Palenta se može servirati sa mlekom, jogurtom, voćnim sokom ili kao prilog uz različita jela.