Bioline Homemade pine needles syrup 410g
Bioline - Homemade pine needles syrup 410g Ingredients: Pine needles, sugar, citric acidBenefits: Pine needle syrup has a magical flavour and smell. It is abundant in vitamin C and can greatly help heart diseases, varicose veins, skin issues and chronic...
Bioline - Homemade pine needles syrup 410g
Ingredients: Pine needles, sugar, citric acid
Benefits: Pine needle syrup has a magical flavour and smell. It is abundant in vitamin C and can greatly help heart diseases, varicose veins, skin issues and chronic fatigue. Pine needles have a lot of vitamin A, which is good for your eyesight, hair and skin. It boosts red blood cell production. It is an ideal natural remedy for respiratory system problems.
Nutrition information |
Serving size: 30g |
Quantity per serving |
Quantity per 100g |
Energy |
412.43kJ/98.2Cal |
1373.4kJ/327Cal |
Protein |
0.09g |
0.3g |
Fat total |
0.012g |
0.04g |
-saturated |
0.06g |
0.2g |
Carbohydrate |
24.16g |
80.45g |
-sugars |
23.42g |
78g |
Sodium |
4.5mg |
15mg |
Bioline - Domaci sirup od borovih iglica 410g
Sastojci: borove iglice, šećer, limunska kiselina
Karakteristike: Sirup od borovih iglica ima magičan ukus i miris. Bogat je vitaminom C i može uveliko pomoći kod srčanih oboljenja, proširenih vena, problema sa kožom i hroničnog umora. Borove iglice imaju puno vitamina A, koji je dobar za vaš vid, kosu i kožu. Povećava proizvodnju crvenih krvnih zrnaca. Idealan je prirodni lek za probleme respiratornog sistema.
Nutricione informacije |
Velicina porcije: 30g |
Vrednosti po porciji |
Vrednosti na 100g |
Energija |
412.43kJ/98.2Cal |
1373.4kJ/327Cal |
Proteini |
0.09g |
0.3g |
Masti |
0.012g |
0.04g |
-zasicene |
0.06g |
0.2g |
Ugljeni hidrati |
24.16g |
80.45g |
-seceri |
23.42g |
78g |
Sodium |
4.5mg |
15mg |