Globus Red kidney beans 326g
Globus - Red kidney beans 326g GMO freeNo aromaNo preservatives or additivesVacuumedBPA freeRecyclable packagingRed kidney beans are vegetables of high biological value; has a high caloric value and contains large amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, essential amino acids, lecithin, potassium,...
Globus - Red kidney beans 326g
GMO free
No aroma
No preservatives or additives
BPA free
Recyclable packaging
Red kidney beans are vegetables of high biological value; has a high caloric value and contains large amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, essential amino acids, lecithin, potassium, phosphorus and iron. It is very popular and widely represented in the diet as a side dish, in soups and salads.
Nutritional values
(per 100g of product)
Energy value 460kJ / 109kcal
Fat 0.6g
of which saturated fatty acids 0.1g
Carbohydrates 14g
of which sugars 0.9g
Fiber 7.3g
Protein 8.3g
With 0.50g
Globus - Crveni kidney pasulj 326g
Bez aroma
Bez konzervansa i aditiva
Reciklirajuća ambalaža
Crveni kidney pasulj spada u povrće visoke biološke vrednosti; ima veliku kaloričnu vrednost i sadrži velike količine proteina, ugljenih hidrata, masti, esencijalne aminokiseline, lecitin, kalijum, fosfor i gvožđe. Jako je popularan i široko zastupljen u ishrani kao prilog jelima, u čorbama i salatama.
Hranljive vrednosti
(na 100g proizvoda)
Energetska vrednost 460kJ/109kcal
Masti 0,6g
od kojih zasićene masne kiseline 0,1g
Ugljeni hidrati 14g
od kojih šećeri 0,9g
Vlakna 7,3g
Proteini 8,3g
So 0,50g