
Carnex Beans with hot sausage 400g

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BEANS WITH HOT SAUSAGE The wealth of well-known local flavors prepared according to local traditional recipes combine delicatessen sausages with beans into a fine aromatic sauce. With our delicious ready meals, lunch is prepared in 10 minutes and the meal...

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The wealth of well-known local flavors prepared according to local traditional recipes combine delicatessen sausages with beans into a fine aromatic sauce. With our delicious ready meals, lunch is prepared in 10 minutes and the meal can begin!

Net weight 0,400 kg

Storage conditions to 25°C 

The average energy value and the amounts of nutrients per 100g
Fat 6.2g
Proteins 7.4g
Carbohydrates 6.9g
Energy value 501kJ/120kcal



The hectic lifestyle and lack of free time has led to the need for quick meals. Given the importance of proper nutrition, which includes cooked meals, we have a large choice of high quality, juicy, ready-made meals. Easy to prepare, which is only ten minutes, will let you to enjoy your favorite meals, and bring back memories with flavors of grandmother's kitchen. Dishes are made from the highest quality meat and vegetables, balanced to satisfy the needs of all gourmets.



Užurbani stil života i nedostatak slobodnog vremena doveli su do potrebe za brzim obrocima. Imajući u vidu važnost pravilne ishrane, što podrazumeva i kuvane obroke, pripremili smo veliki izbor, kvalitetnih, sočnih, gotovih jela. Jednostavna priprema od svega deset minuta omogućiće vam da uživate u omiljenim obrocima, čiji će vam mirisi vratiti sećanja na bakinu kuhinju. Jela su proizvedena od najkvalitetnijeg mesa i povrća, balansiranih tako da zadovolje sve gurmanske potrebe.


Bogatstvo poznatih domaćih ukusa spravljeno spram domaće tradicionalne recepture kombinuje delikatesne kobasice sa pasuljem u fino aromatičnom sosu. Uz naša ukusna gotova jela, ručak je spreman za 10 minuta i obrok može da počne!

Neto težina 0,400 kg

Uslovi čuvanja Do 25°C

Prosečna energetska vrednost i količina nutrijenata u 100g proizvoda
Masti 6.2g
Proteini 7.4g
Ugljeni hidrati 6.9g
Energetska vrednost 501kJ/120kcal
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