Carnex Luncheon meat 150g
LUNCHEON MEAT Sometimes is enough a very little for enjoying high-quality meat meal. We present an excellent choice of meat portions made from selected cuts of meat which compact content allows easy cutting and delicious pleasure, no time spent on...
Sometimes is enough a very little for enjoying high-quality meat meal. We present an excellent choice of meat portions made from selected cuts of meat which compact content allows easy cutting and delicious pleasure, no time spent on cooking.
Net weight : 0,150 kg
Ponekad je dovoljno izuzetno malo za uživanje u kvalitetnom mesnom obroku. Predstavljamo odličan izbor mesne porcije spravljene od biranih komada mesa čija kompaktna sadržina omogućava lako narezivanje i ukusan užitak, bez vremena utrošenog na kuvanje. Šifra: 70018 Bar kod: 8600012700183 Neto težina: 0,150 kg