Podravka Fant seasoning mix for stuffed peppers and cabbage 60g
FANT SEASONING MIX FOR STUFFED PEPPERS AND CABBAGE Stuffed peppers and cabbage are one of the top favourite dishes of all generations. However, with the wrong selection of spices its taste will not be like the one we are familiar...
Stuffed peppers and cabbage are one of the top favourite dishes of all generations.
However, with the wrong selection of spices its taste will not be like the one we are familiar with. That's why we have prepared Fant stuffed peppers and cabbage mix - a little help to make your cooking simplier and easier.
PREPARATION: Stir the bag contents with 100 ml of lukewarm water and let stand for a few minutes. Add 500 g of minced meat to the prepared mixture as well as 100 g rice and stir well. Stuff the peppers with the prepared mixture or prepare stuffed cabbage leaves from sour or fresh cabbage leaves. The mixture can also be used to stuff zucchines, onions and similar.
INGREDIENTS: table salt, bread crumbs (wheat flour, yeast, salt), dried onion, wheat flour, corn starch, dried potatoes, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate), dried garlic, egg powder, black pepper, sweet pepper, parsley Can contain milk and celery in trace amounts
Storage: keep in dry place at room temperature.
Packaging: 60 g
Nutritional values
Sarme i punjene paprike su među najomiljenijim domaćim jelima svih generacija.
Međutim, bez pažljivog odabira začina njihov okus neće biti onakav kakvog pamtimo. Zbog toga smo pripremili Fant mješavinu za punjenu papriku i sarmu - malu pomoć za jednostavnije spremanje upravo tih jela.
PRIPREMA. za 4 obroka potrebno je 500 g mljevenog mesa, 100 g riže. Sadržaj vrećice promiješajte sa 100 ml mlake vode i ostavite stajati nekoliko minuta. Pripremljenom Fantu dodajte 500 g mljevenog mesa i oko 100 g riže te dobro promiješajte. Smjesom nadjenite paprike ili pripremite sarme od listova kiselog ili svježeg kupusa. Tom mješavinom možete nadjenuti tikvice, luk i sl.
SASTOJCI: kuhinjska sol, krušne mrvice (pšenično brašno, kvasac, sol), sušeni luk, pšenično brašno, kukuruzni škrob, sušeni krumpir, pojačivač okusa (mononatrijev glutaminat), sušeni češnjak, jaja u prahu, crni papar, slatka začinska paprika, peršinov list Može sadržavati mlijeko i celer u tragovima.
Čuvati: na suhome mjestu i sobnoj temperaturi.
Pakiranje: vrećica 60 g
Nutritivne vrijednosti