HARIBO Wummis / Worms 100g
HARIBO Wummis / Worms 100g HARIBO Wummis are endless fun! Different flavours on each side, and an elongated shape. Which version will you choose? Strawberry-pineapple, orange-apricot or raspberry-lemon? No matter what you choose - joy and pleasure of tasting guaranteed!...
HARIBO Wummis / Worms 100g
HARIBO Wummis are endless fun! Different flavours on each side, and an elongated shape. Which version will you choose? Strawberry-pineapple, orange-apricot or raspberry-lemon? No matter what you choose - joy and pleasure of tasting guaranteed!
HARIBO Vummi su beskrajna zabava! Različitih ukusa sa svake strane, i izduženog oblika. Koju verziju ćete izabrati? Jagoda-ananas, narandža-kajsija ili malina-limun? Šta god da izaberete - radost i zadovoljstvo degustacije zagarantovani!