Afrodita cosmetics Argan hand & nail cream 100ml
Afrodita cosmetics ARGAN Luxurious hand & nail cream 100ml Precious formula for dry and chapped skin! With the valued argan oil, cocoa and shea butter, it regenerates the skin, provides optimal protection and prevents it from drying out.At the same...
Afrodita cosmetics ARGAN Luxurious hand & nail cream 100ml
Precious formula for dry and chapped skin! With the valued argan oil, cocoa and shea butter, it regenerates the skin, provides optimal protection and prevents it from drying out.
At the same time it strengthens nails and softens cuticles.
• has an excellent ability to moisturize the skin and is a real treasure trove of vitamin E with intense antioxidant effects and therefore has a very beneficial effect on mature skin. Due to its strong regenerative effect and moisturizing effect, it stimulates the enrichment of cells with oxygen, and gives the skin an elastic and protective charge.
• This exotic ingredient obtained from the seeds of the shea tree is extremely rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins. It has a hydrating, anti-inflammatory and nourishing effect on the skin.
• protects, nourishes, softens the skin and preserves its moisture. It is a rich source of vitamin E, which is known for its strong antioxidant effect - it protects the skin from the effects of free radicals and thus helps prevent its premature aging.
Afrodita cosmetics ARGAN raskošna krema za ruke i nokte 100ml
Dragocena formula za suvu i ispucalu kožu! Cenjenim arganovim uljem, kakao i karité maslacem obnavlja kožu, pruža joj optimalnu zaštitu te sprečava isušivanje.
Istovremeno jača nokte i omekšava zanoktice.
• ima izvrsnu sposobnost vlaženja kože i prava je riznica vitamina E s intenzivnim antioksidativnim delovanjem te zato vrlo povoljno deluje na zrelu kožu. Zbog snažnoga regenerativnog efekta i dejstva vlaženja podstiče obogaćivanje ćelija kiseonikom, a koži daje elastičan i zaštitni naboj.
• ovaj egzotični sastojak dobijen iz semena karite stabla izuzetno je bogat antioksidansima, masnim kiselinama i vitaminima. Na kožu deluje hidrirajuće, protuupalno i s hranjivom snagom.
• štiti, neguje, omekšava kožu i čuva njenu vlažnost. Predstavlja bogat izvor vitamina E koji je poznat po jakom antioksidativnom delovanju - štiti kožu od delovanja slobodnih radikala i tako pomaže u sprečavanju njenog preranog starenja.