Dr.Oetker Fill cake with chocolate flavour 160g
Fill cake with chocolate flavour All rights housewives know that the secret to a perfect treats hidden in a spectacular appearance, but also rich and irresistible taste. Choose one of three flavors Dr. Fila Oetker cake, vanilla, hazelnut or chocolate...
Fill cake with chocolate flavour
All rights housewives know that the secret to a perfect treats hidden in a spectacular appearance, but also rich and irresistible taste. Choose one of three flavors Dr. Fila Oetker cake, vanilla, hazelnut or chocolate and cheer their favorite favorite sweets. Filovi are saved for only five minutes, with cold milk or with the addition of butter, and most importantly, one pack is enough for the whole cake, as well as various types of cakes. Have you upgraded recipes and tastes Dr. Oetker products are best friend and secret ally in creating a memorable sweet moments!
This product does not contain required by law to highlight ingredients that can cause allergic reactions or other intolerance. Mandatory labeling of ingredients in accordance with the law: cereals containing gluten, or wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelled, kamut and their hybrids, crabs, eggs, fish, peanuts, soybeans, milk and dairy products, including milk sugar (lactose), nuts or almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, macadamia Queensland walnut, celery, mustard, sesame , sulfur dioxide at a concentration greater than 10 mg / kg or 10 mg / l, shells, shells and products made from them. on the packages of our products, allergens in the list of ingredients indicated in bold capital letters, in order to recognize at first glance.
Information and nutritive value Fill cake with chocolate flavour
energy value |
632kJ150kcal |
proteins | 4.4g |
Carbohydrates | 24.2g |
than that of sugar | 0g |
greases | 4g |
Saturated fatty acids | 0g |
Quantity: 160g
1. Preparation with milk:
Weigh 300 ml of cold milk (from the refrigerator), pour into a deeper bowl and add the contents of the bag. Stir with a mixer at the lowest speed for about half a minute, then at the highest speed for 3-5 minutes.
2. Preparation with milk and butter:
Weigh 300 ml of cold milk (from the refrigerator), pour into a deeper bowl and add the contents of the bag. Stir with a mixer at the lowest speed for about half a minute, then at the highest speed for about 1 minute. Add to a bowl with 50 g of whipped butter and stir with a mixer at maximum speed for about 2 minutes.
3. Preparation with milk and sweet sour cream:
Mix 200 ml of cooled sweet sour cream with a mixer at maximum speed for about 1 minute. In a deep bowl, whisk 250 ml of cold milk (from the refrigerator) and the contents of the bag, at the lowest speed for about half a minute, then at the highest speed for about 2 minutes. Add to the bowl with the whipped sweet cream, stir at maximum speed for about 2 minutes.
Fil za tortu sa ukusom čokolade
Ovaj proizvod ne sadrži obavezno po zakonu označavanje sastojaka koji mogu da izazovu alergijske reakcije i druge intolerancije.
Obavezno označavanje sastojaka u skladu sa zakonom:
žitarice koje sadrže gluten, odnosno pšenica, raž, ječam, ovas, pir, kamut i njihovi hibridi, rakovi, jaja, riba, kikiriki, soja, mleko i mlečni proizvodi, uključujući i mlečni šećer (laktoza), koštunjavo voće odnosno badem, lešnik, orah, indijski orah, pekan orah, brazilski orah, pistaći, australijski Kvinslend orah, celer, senf, susam, sumpor-dioksid u koncentraciji većoj od 10 mg/kg ili 10 mg/l, lupin, školjke i proizvodi od njih.
Na pakovanjima naših proizvoda, alergeni su u listi sastojaka označeni podebljanim velikim slovima, kako bi se prepoznali na prvi pogled.
Informacije i nutritivne vrednosti Fil za tortu sa ukusom čokolade
Energetska vrednost |
632kJ 150kcal |
Proteini | 4.4g |
Ugljeni hidrati | 24.2g |
od toga šećera | 0g |
Masti | 4g |
Zasićene masne kiseline | 0g |
Neto 160g
Način pripreme:1 Pripremanje sa mlekom:
Odmeriti 300 ml hladnog mleka (iz frižidera), sipati u dublju posudu i dodati sadržaj kesice. Mutiti mikserom najmanjom brzinom oko pola minuta, zatim najvećom brzinom 3-5 minuta.
2 Pripremanje sa mlekom i maslacem:
Odmeriti 300 ml hladnog mleka (iz frižidera), sipati u dublju posudu i dodati sadržaj kesice. Mutiti mikserom najmanjom brzinom oko pola minuta, zatim najvećom brzinom oko 1 minut. Dodati u posudu sa 50 g penasto umućenog maslaca i mutiti mikserom najvećom brzinom oko 2 minuta.
3 Pripremanje sa mlekom i slatkom pavlakom:
200 ml rashlađene slatke pavlake mutiti mikserom najvećom brzinom oko 1 minut. U dubljoj posudi umutiti 250 ml hladnog mleka (iz frižidera) i sadržaj kesice, najmanjom brzinom oko pola minuta, zatim najvećom brzinom oko 2 minuta. Dodati u posudu sa umućenom slatkom pavlakom, mutiti najvećom brzinom oko 2 minuta.