Kim Farsitura caramel 500g
Caramel stuffingTaste: sweetQuantity: 500g.Product description: When you want sweet treats, or when you have guests over, prepare trileche, one of the most delicious light treats and desserts. But the trileche is not that, without the topping called caramel farsiture and...
Caramel stuffing
Taste: sweet
Quantity: 500g.
Product description: When you want sweet treats, or when you have guests over, prepare trileche, one of the most delicious light treats and desserts. But the trileche is not that, without the topping called caramel farsiture and produced by KIM. We recommend storing at room temperature. After opening, keep in the refrigerator and use within 30 days.
Nadev od karamela
Ukus: sladak
Količina: 500g.
Opis proizvoda: Kada želite slatke poslastice, ili kada imate goste, pripremite trilece, jednu od najukusnijih lakih poslastica i dezerta. Ali trilece nije to, bez preliva koji se zove karamel farsiture i koji proizvodi KIM. Preporučujemo čuvanje na sobnoj temperaturi. Nakon otvaranja čuvati u frižideru i upotrebiti u roku od 30 dana.