Neoplanta Beans with smoked bacon 400g
Neoplanta - Prego Beans with smoked bacon 400g Ingredients: Sauce (water, wheat flour, sunflower oil, onion, carrot, tomato concentrate, table salt, spices, spice extracts, aroma enhancer: monosodium glutamate), beans 30%, smoked meat bacon at least 25% (pork belly meat ;...
Neoplanta - Prego Beans with smoked bacon 400g
Ingredients: Sauce (water, wheat flour, sunflower oil, onion, carrot, tomato concentrate, table salt, spices, spice extracts, aroma enhancer: monosodium glutamate), beans 30%, smoked meat bacon at least 25% (pork belly meat ; water; table salt; acidity regulators: pentasodium triphosphate, sodium polyphosphate, disodium diphosphate; sugar; antioxidant: sodium isoascorbate; preservative: sodium nitrite).. Allergens: Contains: Gluten Does not contain: Shellfish, Eggs, Shells .
Instructions for use: Prepare the dish in one of the following ways: 1. Heat a closed container in boiling water for 10 min. and cool under running water before opening. 2. Completely remove the lid from the bowl and heat the dish in the microwave oven to the desired temperature. The aluminum container must not come into contact with the walls of the microwave oven (minimum distance from the walls 2cm) 3. Heat the contents of the container in a pan, on low heat for 5-10 min. with occasional stirring..
Neoplanta - Prego Pasulj sa dimljenom mesnatom slaninom 400g
Sastojci: Sos (voda, pšenično brašno, suncokretovo ulje, crni luk, šargarepa, koncentrat paradajza, kuhinjska so, začini, ekstrakti začina, pojačivač arome: mononatrijum-glutaminat), pasulj 30%, dimljena mesnata slanina najmanje 25% (mesnata trbušina svinja; voda; kuhinjska so; regulatori kiselosti: pentanatrijum-trifosfat, natrijum-polifosfat, dinatrijum-difosfat; šecer; antioksidans: natrijum-izoaskorbat; konzervans: natrijum-nitrit).. Alergeni: Sadrži: Gluten Ne sadrži: Lupina, Jaja, Školjke.
Uputstvo za upotrebu: Jelo pripremiti na jedan od sledećih načina: 1. Zatvorenu posudicu zagrevati u ključaloj vodi 10 min. i pre otvaranja rashladiti pod mlazom vode. 2. U potpunosti odstraniti poklopac sa posudice i jelo podgrejati u mikrotalasnoj pećnici do željene temperature. Aluminijumska posudica ne sme doći u kontakt sa zidovima mikrotalasne pećnice (minimalna udaljenost od zidova 2cm) 3. Sadržaj posudice zagrevati u tiganju, na laganoj vatri 5-10 min. uz povremeno mešanje..