
Podrum Simic Stara Prepecenica Brandy 40% vol. Alcohol 0.7L

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WARNINGUnder the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offense- To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $17,000)- For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor...

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Brandy Liquor -


Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offense
- To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $17,000)
- For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $700)

License No. 36154645


Podrum Simic - Stara Prepecenica Brandy 40% vol. Alcohol 0.7L

The M&S plum brandy (undercooked brandy, known as prepecenica) is produced specifically from the finest type of plum. The whole brandy is from three areas in the Simic family which have been increased through generations and generations, because its quality became delightful. These extreme areas with very productive fields, moderate sunny climate and light winters, provide all the necessary conditions for the production of brandy, specifically of fruit character from the best types of plums, ideal for the distillation process.
The old M&S plum brandy is made for the Simic family only, in order to enjoy with their friends in it. Showing the consistency for more than seven generations, it finest balance between the strength and elegance made it very famous among thousands of generations of consumers. Its very strong character irresistibly refers on something really special. In the old M&S plum brandy the best plum flavors are carefully selected and united, and they are left to grow older in another dozen years. Very luxurious orchards are in balance on the palates. Deceptive velvet flavor which is kept in the mouth, delights both young and old consumers with lots of style and elegance which presents the highest quality of the brandy.
The old M&S plum brandy reveals the taste of its flavor of orchards and of an old oak and soft and gentle vanilla taste has been made. Such an elegant and tough, reveals the balance, roundness and flavor harmony.
The traditional old M&S plum brandy is consumed over a delicious lunch time. On the other side, more and more of the connoisseurs reveal extra pleasure after a meal, enjoying the cool refreshment of the brandy.


M&S šljivovica (prepečenica) proizvodi se posebno od najfinije vrste šljive. Cela rakija je iz tri kraja u porodici Simić koji su se generacijama i generacijama uvećavali, jer je njen kvalitet postao divan. Ova ekstremna područja sa veoma produktivnim poljima, umerenom sunčanom klimom i blagim zimama, pružaju sve neophodne uslove za proizvodnju rakije, posebno voćnog karaktera od najboljih vrsta šljive, idealne za proces destilacije.
Stara M&S šljivovica se pravi samo za porodicu Simić, kako bi u njoj uživali sa prijateljima. Pokazujući doslednost za više od sedam generacija, najbolji balans između snage i elegancije učinio ga je veoma poznatim među hiljadama generacija potrošača. Njegov veoma snažan karakter neodoljivo upućuje na nešto zaista posebno. U staroj šljivovici M&S pažljivo su odabrani i sjedinjeni najbolji ukusi šljive i ostavljeni da odrastu za još desetak godina. Veoma luksuzni voćnjaci su u ravnoteži na nepcima. Varljiv somotski ukus koji se čuva u ustima, oduševljava i mlade i stare potrošače sa puno stila i elegancije koja predstavlja najviši kvalitet rakije.
Stara M&S šljivovica otkriva ukus svog voćnjaka i starog hrasta i napravljen je meki i nežni ukus vanile. Ovako elegantan i čvrst, otkriva ravnotežu, zaokruženost i harmoniju ukusa.
Tradicionalna stara M&S šljivovica se konzumira za vreme ukusnog ručka. S druge strane, sve više poznavalaca otkriva dodatno zadovoljstvo posle obroka, uživajući u hladnom osveženju rakije.

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