
Zaric Medenka honey brandy 23% vol. Alcohol 700ml

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WARNINGUnder the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offense- To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $17,000)- For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor...

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Brandy Liquor -


Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offense
- To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $17,000)
- For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $700)

License No. 36154645


Zaric - Medenka honey brandy 23% vol. Alcohol 700ml

It is best described as a marriage between a "handsome groom" – honey, and a "beautiful bride" – plum brandy. Both spouses brought the best in this marriage.
Honey – originates from the clean slopes of Zlatibor Mountain, and plum from the sunny slopes of Povlen and Maljen mountains. They have sworn to eternal love. Of course, Zarić Distillery from Kosjerić was the best man.

  • The filigree-determined ratio of plum, honey and propolis
  • Dark, golden yellow colour
  • Alcohol 30% vol.

Product description:
Mild plum brandy, double-distilled and enriched with first-class honey and propolis. Due to the propolis settling down, it is MUST BE STIRRED to get a uniform taste. Brandy with honey added to it belongs to the oldest tradition of brandy enrichment in our region, which resulted in a healing, invigorating and encouraging drink.

Honey – honey brandy
It should not be cooled but served at room temperature. Due to its sweetness, it can be used as an aperitif and digestive and goes well with fruit desserts or chocolate cakes.
D rinking it moderately will boost your appetite, boost your immunity and slow down ageing. In a word, it will strengthen your body.

Newlywed couples were sometimes advised to drink brandy with honey in the first month of their marriage in order to maintain their strength and stamina. The word "honeymoon" stems from this tradition.
Scent – a mixture of honey and brandy
Taste - sweet, there is a bit of bitterness due to propolis
Aroma – delightful and complete, medium-long in duration
Bouquet – very distinctive and typical


Zaric - Medenka rakija sa medom/medovaca 23% vol. Alcohol 700ml

Najbolje se opisuje kao brak sklopljen između „naočitog mladoženje“ – meda i „prelepe neveste“ šljivove rakije. Oba bračna druga unela su ono najbolje u ovaj brak.
Med – poreklo sa čistih zlatiborskih padina, a šljiva sunce sa obronaka Povlena i Maljena. Zakleli su se na večnu ljubav. Naravno, kumovala je Destilerija Zarić iz Kosjerića.

  • Filigranski određen odnos šljivovice, meda i propolisa
  • Mutna, zlatno – žuta boja
  • Jačina alk. 30,0% vol.

Opis proizvoda:
Blaga šljivovica, prepečenica obogaćena prvoklasnim medom i propolisom. Zbog sleganja propolisa, OBAVEZNO JE PROMUĆKATI, kako bi se dobio ujednačen ukus. Rakija sa dodatkom meda pripada najstarijoj tradiciji obogaćivanja rakije na našim prostorima, čime se dobijalo piće koje leči, okrepljuje i bodri.

Ne treba je hladiti, već služiti na sobnoj temperaturi. Zbog svoje slatkoće može da se služi kao aperitiv i kao dižestiv i odlično se slaže sa dezertima od voća ili uz čokoladne torte.
A ko je ispijate umereno otvoriće vam apetit, pojačati imunitet i usporiti starenje, jednom rečju okrepiće vaš organizam.

Nekada se mladencima preporučivalo umereno ispijanje rakije sa medom u prvom mesecu braka, kako bi održali krepkost i ojačali organizam. Iz ovakvog narodnog običaja izrasla je i fraza „medeni mesec“.
Miris – rakijsko medni
Ukus – sladunjav, u tragovima se oseća malo gorčine propolisa
Aroma – veoma prijatna, zaokružena sa srednje dugim trajanjem
Buke – veoma prepoznatljiv i tipičan

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