POP ART Morbidelle 750g fruit candy mix BB:13/01/2025
Pop art Morbidelle 750g - fruit candy mix POP ART is a line of colorful candies with a completely amazing, different taste, which we are sure will appeal to consumers of all ages.Try the perfect taste of caramel candies with...
Pop art Morbidelle 750g - fruit candy mix
POP ART is a line of colorful candies with a completely amazing, different taste, which we are sure will appeal to consumers of all ages.
Try the perfect taste of caramel candies with fruit flavors.
POP ART je linija šarenih bombona sa potpuno neverovatnim, drugačijim ukusom, za koji smo sigurni da će se dopasti potrošačima svih uzrasta.
Probajte savršen ukus karamel bombona sa voćnim ukusima.