Pharmamed - Herbifit Marigold Ointment 100 ml
Herbifit Marigold OintmentIntended for the care of chapped skin, minor wound healing, protecting skin from the cold, wind and other external influences. It is also used for cuts, burns on the skin and mucous membranes. It can also be used...
Herbifit Marigold Ointment
Intended for the care of chapped skin, minor wound healing, protecting skin from the cold, wind and other external influences. It is also used for cuts, burns on the skin and mucous membranes. It can also be used to treat slow recovering cuts on the lips. Marigold has many antibacterial properties.
Herbifit Nevenova mast
Namenjen za negu ispucale kože, zarastanje manjih rana, zaštitu kože od hladnoće, vetra i drugih spoljašnjih uticaja. Koristi se i za posekotine, opekotine na koži i sluzokožama. Takođe se može koristiti za lečenje posjekotina na usnama koje se sporo oporavljaju. Neven ima mnoga antibakterijska svojstva.