
Harmony - Himalaya salt Pure 500g

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Harmony -  Himalaya salt Pure 500g Pure Himalayan salt contains Himalayan salt that has a great base effect, improves absorption, digestion of food and eliminates toxins.Unlike refined table salt, it is metabolized much faster and does not increase the concentration...

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Salt & pepper - Pantry
Harmony -  Himalaya salt Pure 500g
Pure Himalayan salt contains Himalayan salt that has a great base effect, improves absorption, digestion of food and eliminates toxins.

Unlike refined table salt, it is metabolized much faster and does not increase the concentration of sodium and potassium in the blood, and therefore does not lead to increased blood pressure.

The taste of Himalayan salt is subtle and gentle, gives a refined layered taste to food, and does not have the bitterness of white salt.

It is enriched with iodine, an essential nutrient in human nutrition. Although it is needed in small amounts, it is very important because it is part of the thyroid hormones, which are essential for the metabolic status and normal growth and development of children.
Pure Himalajska so sadrži himalajsku so koja ima veliki bazni uticaj, poboljšava apsorpciju, varenje hrane i eliminiše toksine.

Za razliku od rafinisane kuhinjske soli, mnogo se brže metaboliše i ne povećava koncentraciju natrijuma i kalijuma u krvi, a samim tim ne dovodi do povišenog krvnog pritiska.

Ukus Himalajske soli je suptilan i nežan, daje prefinjen slojevit ukus hrani, i nema gorčinu kao bela so.

Obogaćena je jodom, neophodnim nutrijentom u ljudskoj ishrani. Iako je potreban u malim količinama, veoma je važan jer ulazi u sastav tiroidnih hormona, bitnih za metabolički status i normalni rast i razvoj dece.
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