
Tuzlanska Salt 1kg

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Kitchen boiled iodised salt Kitchen boiled iodized salt is one of the few indigenous Bosnian product with centuries of tradition and enviable level of quality. For many years, achieving stable high market share in the territory of BiH, however, the...

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Kitchen boiled iodised salt
Kitchen boiled iodized salt is one of the few indigenous Bosnian product with centuries of tradition and enviable level of quality. For many years, achieving stable high market share in the territory of BiH, however, the market of a number of countries in Europe. High quality and flawless chemical purity Tuzla salt to a leading market position in the region and beyond, regardless of which group the need for, and therefore justifies the epithet "The one and only." The amount of iodine is an automated process, adjusting and professional dosed according to the requirements and applicable laws of the importing country. Kitchen VARĖNA iodized salt, according to the packaging, we graded into two categories: a) of consumer 1kg / CC-010 /, 5kg / CC-030/10 kg / CC-040 / and b) for the food industry: 25 kg / CC 050 /, 50 kg / CC 060 / kg to 1000 / CC 070 /.

Kuhinjska varena jodirana so

Kuhinjska varena jodirana so je jedan od retkih autohtonih bosanskohercegovačkih proizvoda sa višegodišnjom tradicijom i zavidnim nivoom kvaliteta. Dugi niz godina ostvaruje stabilno visoko tržišno učešće na prostoru BiH, međutim i na tržištu većeg broja zemalja Evrope. Visok kvalitet i besprijekorna hemijska čistoća Tuzlanskoj soli omogućava lidersku poziciju na tržištu regiona, pa i šire, bez obzira o kojoj se grupi potreba radi, pa stoga opravdava epitet "Jedna i jedina". Količina joda se automatizovanim procesom, podešavajuće i stručno dozira prema zahtjevima i važećim zakonima zemlje uvoznice. Kuhinjsku varenu jodiranu so, prema pakovanju, možemo klasirati u dvije kategorije i to: a) za široku potrošnju 1kg /CC-010/, 5kg /CC-030/ i 10 kg /CC-040/; i b) za prehrambenu industriju: 25 kg /CC-050/, 50 kg /CC-060/ i 1000 kg /CC-070/.

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