
Vega Whole grain barley flour 500gBB:10/02/2025

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Whole grain barley flour   Barley is one of the small cereals which was used mainly for the production of malt and beer and as animal feed. The latest findings show that barley is very important in the diet because...


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Whole grain barley flour


Barley is one of the small cereals which was used mainly for the production of malt and beer and as animal feed. The latest findings show that barley is very important in the diet because of its high content of soluble carbohydrate dietary fibers in the form of β-glucan, which are concentrated in the endosperm which makes barley flour very useful in the diet.

The barley is processed in three stages. The first stage is separation of impurities, the second stage is peeling, and the third stage is grinding to a certain granulation and packaging.

Barley beside the high content of β-glucan, which is barleys main characteristic, it contains other materials suitable for diet. Particular emphasis is placed on the high content of phosphorus and calcium, which are balanced unlike in other cereals. Barley has a beneficial effect in prevention of cardiovascular and lung diseases. It has calming effect on the digestive system, urinary tract, and other. It is recommended for children and the elderly, convalescents and those who feel physical and mental exhaustion.

Production of whole grain barley flour is carried out by the manufacturer’s specification, and it is regularly controlled by the institutions dealing with quality control and health safety.

Commercial packages are:

500 g intended for households


Ječmeno integralno brašno


Ječam je jedno od strnih žita koji se uglavnom koristio za proizvodnju slada odnosno piva i kao stočna hrana. Najnovija saznanja pokazuju da je ječam vrlo značajan u ishrani zbog visokog sadržaja uglavnom rastvorljivih ugljenih dijetalnih vlakana u obliku β glukana koji su skoncentrisani u endospermu što čini ječmeno brašno vrlo korisnim u ishrani.

Ječam se preradjuje u tri faze. Prva faza je izdvajanje primesa, druga faza je ljuštenje da bi se dobila „geršla“, a treća faza je mlevenje do odredjene granulacije i pakovanje u ambalažu.

Pored velikog sadržaja β glukana što je osnovna karakteristika sa stanovišta ljudske ishrane, ječam sadrži i druge materije pogodne u ishrani. Posebno se ističe višak sadržaja fosfora i kalcijuma koji se nalaze u izbalansiranom stanju u odnosu na druga žita. Ječmu se pripisuje blagotvorno delovanje u prevenciji plućnih i kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Smirujuće deluje na organe za varenje, mokraćne puteve i drugo. Preporučljiv je za decu i stare, rekonvalescente i one koji osećaju fizičku i psihičku iscrpljenost.

Integralno ječmeno brašno proizvodi se po proizvodjačkoj specifikaciji, a redovno se kontroliše u nadležnim institucijama koje se bave kontrolom kvaliteta i zdravstvenom ispravnošću.

Komercijalna pakovanja su:

500g namenjeno za domaćinstvo



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