48 Protective hand cream 100ml
48 Protection hand cream It is a unique product in the fight against cracked, dry and irritated skin.Its specific formula creates a protective layer on the skin that protects the hands from harmful external influences, dirt and does not interfere with...
48 Protection hand cream
It is a unique product in the fight against cracked, dry and irritated skin.
Its specific formula creates a protective layer on the skin that protects the hands from harmful external influences, dirt and does not interfere with the normal functioning of the skin.
The skin becomes healthier and tenderer.
48 Zaštitina krema za ruke
Predstavlja jedinstven proizvod u borbi protiv ispucale, suve i iritirane koze.
Njena specificna formula stvara zastitni sloj na kozi koja stiti ruke od stetnih spoljasnjih uticaja , prljavstine i pritom ne ometa normalno delovanje koze.
Koza postaje zdravija i neznija.