Pharmamed Artichoke Herbifit drops 50ml
Pharmamed - Artichoke drops 50ml Artichoke drops are a dietary product and food supplement designed to regulate blood cholesterol levels. The top part (head) of the artichoke is a natural food source, while the leaf is used in traditional medicine....
Pharmamed - Artichoke drops 50ml
Artichoke drops are a dietary product and food supplement designed to regulate blood cholesterol levels. The top part (head) of the artichoke is a natural food source, while the leaf is used in traditional medicine. Cynarin is the main active ingredient, and the flavonoid luteolin has also been found to play a significant role in lowering cholesterol levels. Due to its composition and multiple mechanisms of action, artichoke drops help regulate blood cholesterol levels.
Way of use
Artichoke drops are used a maximum of 3 times a day, by taking 20-30 drops in a spoonful of water or on a piece of sugar.
1 ml of oral solution contains 1 ml of water-ethanol extract of artichoke leaf (Cynara scolymus L.); extraction solvent: ethanol 70% V/V.
Artičoka kapi su dijetetski proizvod i dodatak prehrani namijenjeni regulaciji razine kolesterola u krvi. Vrhunski dio (glavica) artičoke je prirodni izvor hrane, dok se list koristi u tradicionalnoj medicini. Cinarin je glavna aktivna tvar, a također je otkriveno da flavonoid luteolin igra značajnu ulogu u snižavanju razine kolesterola. Zbog svojeg sastava i višestrukog mehanizma djelovanja, artičoka kapi pomažu u regulaciji razine kolesterola u krvi.
Način upotrebe
Artičoka kapi se koriste najviše 3 puta dnevno, uzimanjem 20-30 kapi nakapanih u žlicu vode ili na komadić šećera.
1 ml oralne otopine sadrži 1 ml vodeno-etanolskog ekstrakta lista artičoke (Cynara scolymus L.); ekstrakcijsko otapalo: etanol 70% V/V.