Venogel Vitalis Gel 100ml
Venogel 100 ml Get rid of varicose veins, quickly and naturally. Venogel is an herbal preparation in the form of a gel. It contains a combination of natural ingredients that instantly relieve pain, swelling, leg cramps, neutralize the feeling of...
Venogel 100 ml
Get rid of varicose veins, quickly and naturally.
Venogel is an herbal preparation in the form of a gel. It contains a combination of natural ingredients that instantly relieve pain, swelling, leg cramps, neutralize the feeling of heavy legs and revitalize the skin. Vitalis' unique formula neutralizes varicose veins and ruptured capillaries quickly, easily and completely naturally!!! Venogel speeds up circulation, strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels, protects blood vessels from inflammation and nourishes the skin.
How to use: Apply the gel for veins to the swollen place in a thin layer and rub lightly. Repeat the procedure 2 to 4 times during the day.
Venogel 100 ml
Rešite se proširenih vena, brzo i na prirodan način.
Venogel je biljni preparat u obliku gela. Sadrži kombinaciju prirodnih sastojaka koji trenutno otklanjaju bol, otok, grčeve u nogama, neutrališu osećaj teških nogu i vitalizuju kožu. Jedinstvena Vitalisova formula neutrališe proširene vene i popucale kapilare brzo, lako i potpuno prirodno!!! Venogel pospešuje cirkulaciju, jača i tonizira zidove krvnih sudova, štiti krvne sudove od upale i neguje kožu.
Način upotrebe: Gel za vene naneti na otečeno mesto u tankom sloju i lagano utrljati. Postupak ponoviti 2 do 4 puta u toku dana.